don't mistake me for someone who doesn't care.
I have been making and wearing art since I was a little kid. I have a BFA in painting & printmaking, an MFA in painting and graphic design, a PhD. in Art & Technology and an AA in computer animation. I have earned a living making films, media for television, stuff for the internet and hand-held devices. The centrifugal force in my life is making art, out of anything. Another hat I wear is that of college professor. I teach the art of making art and why one would want to make art in the first place. I'm pretty sure the reasons I do this come from curiosity and the sheer mule-ish desire to show up every day and make something. The Universe wants beautiful things made by love. I love the Universe so I make beautiful things that honor and love IT. I'm very interested in the Human Condition and the anger, guilt, and fear it has bestowed upon humanity. You can look across all belief systems and see the evidence of decay and decrepitude in the human Spirit. My question is, "What I can do, what can I make that contributes to the well-being of Humanity?" I use Mythology as a road map to navigate my existence and that's what I paint about. I should say, that's what I create about. Bill Watterson said, “History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction." But Mythology reveals to me the cycle of life and that there are macrocycles and microcycles within that life; on so many different levels. Everything is cyclical and expanding and that means it is always changing. The Human Condition wants things to stay the same. That's an impossibility. I've come to learn that change is the hardest thing you can ask of a human, most humans. Curiosity and wonder have saved me from the fear of change. I have been, done, seen, experienced, loved, hated, etc. so much in my life. I finally got the memo! Things change! Learning to let go opened up an explosion of creativity and opportunity to me. I still find myself, occasionally, in a situation that reminds of regret. But, now, I can step back and look for the unseen, the not-yet-known in the situation. That doesn't mean it makes it any easier. It allows me to lean into uncertainty. And there's freedom and power in that.
Traditional & modern painting/printmaking methods
Fiber arts
Mixed media
Video installation
Found object/material manipulation
Visual Effects & Motion Graphics
Storytelling & Scriptwriting
Media Concept Development
Teaching, coaching, mentoring
Work experience
1975 - present
I get up at the same time every morning, I go for a ride, I eat, shower and go to work in my studio. I set aside two hours each day to do research, apply for grants, shows, and residencies. I work until late evening. I end my day by taking the time to look at the days work. I spend my weekends traveling with my son or volunteering.
Key Accomplishments:
Drew horses, birds, and cats with a great degree of accuracy
Created books with drawings of giraffes, people, and more horses
Drew the nude figure for many years to become aware of anatomical correctness, proportion, and scale
Accepted into art school as an undergraduate
Drew the figure, a lot. I eventually learned to draw heads, hands, and feet in my figure drawings
Learned about various mediums and artistic outlets
Mastered color theory and design principles
Learned how to draw, paint, make prints, books, and 3-dimensional objects
Minored in art history
Taught art & design & film
Exhibits in galleries and participates in residency programs​
2010 - present
2010 - present
Professor, Richland College, Dallas, TX
​2018 - Present
I currently teach Design 1, Drawing 1 & 2, and Art Appreciation. I thought I was done teaching, but I love it too much. I was offered this teaching position last year and I absolutely love it. The students I teach have so much passion and really want to be in school. They are also very culturally diverse. Not only do I teach them but they teach me a lot about who and what they are and want to become.
Key Accomplishments:
I inspire students to do amazing things.
I inspire students to do things they didn't know they could do.
I show up excited and ready to teach.
I teach my students things I have learned and am still learning in my own artistic practice.
Owner, The Frocksy Vintage Vogue, Garland, TX
​2017 - 2020
Own and manage The Frocksy Vintage Vogue clothing store. It was such a great store! We had amazing clothing, jewelry, handbags, and accessories. But, sadly, my business partner fell very ill and we had to close the store. I lost my ass financially on that endeavor. But hey, what are you gonna do?! Not try? No way! It would certainly have been a great success if my B-partner could have stayed healthy.
Key Accomplishments:
Learned I could run a business.
Developed my creativity.
Learned a shit ton about style and fashion and that they are NOT the same thing.
Learned how to sell a product face to face.
Learned how to be cordial and respectful to all people, not that I didn't already do that. But I developed a real affinity for humans.
Realized it ain't all about money. Sometimes it's only about making someone feel seen, heard and appreciated.
Associate Professor, The Art Institute of Dallas, Dallas, TX
​1999 - 2017
Managing all aspects of undergraduate instruction, advising and mentoring. Masterful instruction in color theory, design fundamentals, lighting, non-linear editing, motion graphics & visual effects, storytelling, art direction, and media concept development.
Key Accomplishments:
Develop, update, and manage curriculum and rubrics for bachelor and associate degrees.
Lead, organize, and collaborate with the department’s Professional Advisory Board to facilitate program and curriculum development.
Oversee selection and budgeting of equipment, hardware, and software required for all academic programs.
Facilitate community, high school, and on-campus recruiting events and focus efforts on increasing enrollment.
Engage in scholarship/creative activities and provide service to the college through student advisement, faculty evaluation, and class scheduling.
Facilitate interdisciplinary partnerships to provide students learning experiences across departments and platforms.
Evaluate professors through classroom observation and provide insight and ideas for effective teaching and classroom management.
Lead, inspire and mentor graduating students in the creation of portfolios and guide students on a journey to create applicable, compelling and professional work for their graduating portfolios.
Freelance Media Content Producer, Director, Editor, Art Director, Dallas, TX
​2008 - 2016
Write, produce and direct a wide array of media using video production skills, creativity and budgeting prowess. Primary focus has been on video installation, experimental film, fashion, documentary, and short fashion narrative for web.
Managing Partner, Visual Effects, Motion Graphics, Editor, Animator
Reel FX Creative Studios, Dallas, TX
​1995 - 2002
Led and managed creative teams of animators, editors, and sound designers through projects related to broadcast media, motion pictures, and documentaries for major clients: Wishbone, Barney, Spy Kids franchise, Grant’s Farm Bread, Kmart, JC Penny, McDonald’s, Miller Lite, Sony, Six Flags, Blue Bell, Armor All, and Quaker.
Key Accomplishments:
Created various visual effects, graphics, and animation for award winning commercial broadcast campaigns, television shows, and feature films.
Developed and maintained strong relationships with ad agencies to produce turnkey projects from design concept to animatics to final output of commercial broadcast campaigns, motion pictures, and other forms of sequential time-based media.
University of Texas, Dallas, Richardson, TX
​2009 - 2013
PhD. Candidate, Art & Technology
Texas Woman's University, Denton, TX
MFA - Painting/Graphic Design
Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO
BFA - Painting & Printmaking
The Art Institute of Dallas, Dallas, TX
AA - Computer Animation
Nes Artist Residency, Skagastrond, Iceland, December 2017
"Show Your World", Gallery MC, New York, NY, November-December 2017
Women’s Caucus For The Arts, featured artist, June 2017, nationalwca.org
“Seeing Blue”, Gallery25N, Peekskill, NY, 2017
“Grievance Boxes” “boXed”, Nave Gallery, Somerville MA. 2016
“Everything Is Going to Be OK”, The Point Gallery, Dallas TX. 2016
“Peace Pilot”, 4-part epic video installation/projection, Great Lakes International Film Festival 2016
“Peace Pilot”, 4-part epic video installation/projection, Rothko Chapel, Houston, TX 2013, Interfaith Peace Chapel, Dallas, TX 2012
“Lady Pilot” 4-part epic video installation, 2011
“High Five”, Official Selection & Bronze Remi Winner, WorldFest International Film Festival, Houston, TX 2007
“Truth Beauty Chaos”, Texas Discovery Gardens Gallery Dallas, TX. 2012
“Waxy Buildup: Cleaning House”, Gallery One Visual Arts Center, Ellensburg, WA. 2011
“Waxy Buildup: Cleaning House”, Fort Worth Community Arts Center, Ft. Worth, TX. 2009
“Waxy Buildup: Cleaning House”, Grimshaw-Gudewicz Gallery, Bristol Community College, Fall River, MA. 2009
“It Became Something Else”, Times Ten, Dallas, TX. 2008
“Who Do They Confront Now?”, Nine Eyes Studio, Dallas, TX. 2007
“The Condition of Being Here”, 33UP Studio, Dallas, TX. 2004
“Flashcard” Gallery 010, Denton, TX. 2002
Film & Television
"What's My Dream?" fundraising campaign, Blue Sky Ranch Therapeutic Riding Facility 2017
“Fazl Socks” commercial 2016
“In The End” short film, 2016, festival participation can be viewed here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1621103768201149/
“Dates of Change” video series for COH, 2013, Gold Telly award winner for cinematography
“Soft Deductions” & “Killer Sexy”, Official Selection, Dallas International Film Festival 2006
“Caching In” 3rd Place, Dallas 24hr. Video Race, 2006
“Malebox“ 3rd Place, Dallas 24hr. Video Race, 2005
“The Lost Hookers” weekly TV Series, 2008-09
“Special Circumstances” documentary, 2008
“Pidgeon: The Voice of Hawaii” documentary, 2009
“Spy Kids 1,2,3” feature films, 1998-2002
“Wishbone” PBS children show, 1997-1999
“Barney” PBS children show, 1997-1999
Classes I have taughtor am teaching
ARTS 1311 Design 1
ARTS 1316 Drawing 1
ARTS 1317 Drawing 2
ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation
DF10231 Fundamentals of Design
DF10232 Color Theory
PH10111 Introduction to Photoshop
DF10240 Introduction to Digital Editing
DF10311 Non-Linear Editing
DF10331 Fundamentals of Scriptwriting
DF10341 Conceptual Storytelling
DF10421 Producing and Directing
DF20511 Video Graphics
DF20620 Special Visual Effects
DF20720 Advanced Scriptwriting
DF20721 Advanced Video Output
DFVA4002 Art Direction & Aesthetics
DF20820 Short Form Media Production
DF30950 Acting and Directing
DF41110 Portfolio Preparation
DF41210 Senior Portfolio & Defense